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Rx OTC Products

Safe Alternatives & Non Habit-Forming Products For
Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury, Auto-Accident, MedPay, & more!

We believe in quality ingredients. Each of our products are designed and formulated using

ODG and ACOEM Evidence-Based Treatment Guidelines to improve return-to-work outcomes

and help patients recover from injury. This includes conditions such as acute pain, chronic pain, musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, osteoarthritic pain, CRPS, inflammation, and more.


Rx Trubrexa Logo
Trubrexa 30-Day Supply Unit Box
Trubrexa 4-Day Supply Pouch Bag

Trubrexa Transdermal Patch

NDC 83295-4000-1

Lidocaine 4.75%
Capsaicin 0.025%

+ Arnica & Magnesium

Rx Xiclofen Ointment
Xiclofen Box
Xiclofen Tube

Xiclofen Ointment

NDC 83295-5000-1

Diclofenac 1%
Methyl Salicylate 5%

+ Allantoin, Arnica, Aloe
Boswellia, Vitamin C


Nuvira Patch
Nuvira Patch 30-Day Supply Unit Box
Nuvira 5-Day Supply Pouch Bag

Nuvira Patch

NDC 83295-3313-1

Methyl Salicylate 10%
Methyl Nicotinate 0.25%

Menthol 10%
Capsaicin 0.025%

+ Arnica, Boswellia, Aloe,
DMSO2, Vitamin C & E,
Eucalyptus Oil, Lemon Oil

Cinthera Ointment
Cinthera Tube

Cinthera Ointment

NDC 83295-5000-1

Lidocaine 4%

+ Cinnamomum, Arnica, 
Aloe, Boswellia, Turmeric, 
Eucalyptus Oil

Lidotrode Transdermal TENS Patch
Lidotrode Transdermal TENS Patches 1-Day Supply

Lidotrode Transdermal TENS Patch

NDC 83295-6400-4

Lidocaine 4%

+ Magnesium

Olu Patch

Olu Pain Management Patch
Olu Patch 15-Day Supply Unit Box
Olu Patch 5-Day Supply Pouch Bag
Olu Patch 15-Day Supply Unit Box
Olu Patch 5-Day Supply Pouch Bag

NDC 84991-0208-1

Lidocaine 4%
Camphor 1%

+ Arnica, Boswellia,
Vitamin C & Vitamin E

OTC Skincare

AluroDerm Scar Patch

Aluroderm Scar Patch
Aluroderm Scar Patch Unit Box
AluroDerm Scar Patch Pouch Bag

NDC 84991-0316-1

Allantoin 0.75%

+ Hyaluronic Acid

Treatment Guidelines

We develop, manufacture, distribute, market, and sell through these various healthcare provider networks:

Surgery Centers
Physical Therapists
Urgent Cares
Podiatrists & More
Trubrexa & Nuvira Case Boxes


We'll Get Back to You Soon!

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